Prof. Dr. Steffen Rebennack
- Leiter des Lehrstuhls
- Raum: 130
- Tel.: +49 721 608-44397
- Fax: +49 721 608-46057
- steffen rebennack ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Geb. 09.21
Seit 04/2017 | Professor, Lehrstuhl für Stochastische Optimierung, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Deutschland |
12/2016-03/2017 | Lehrstuhlvertretung, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Deutschland |
08/2015-03/2017 | Associate Professor (tenured), Colorado School of Mines, USA |
08/2010-07/2015 | Assistant Professor (tenure track), Colorado School of Mines, USA |
07/2010 | PhD, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Florida, USA |
07/2010 | Master of Science, Management, University of Florida, USA |
12/2007 | Master of Science, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Florida, USA |
08/2006 | Diplom, Mathematik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland |
Pressemitteilung in KIT Presseinformation 083/2017:
Energieplanung: Bessere Algorithmen für Entscheider
Auszeichnungen (Auswahl)
11/2018 | |
11/2015 | ENRE Young Researcher Prize of 2015, Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment (ENRE), INFORMS, USA |
05/2012 | Lehrpreis 2011-2012, Engineering & Technology Management Program, Colorado School of Mines, USA |
08/2011 | GOR Dissertationspreis, GOR (Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V.), Deutschland |
11/2010 | George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention, INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences), USA |
Associate Editor
Seit 2019 | Operations Research Forum |
2009-2015, seit 2018 | Energy Systems |
2010-2017 | Journal of Global Optimization |
2010-2017 | Optimization Letters |
Seit 2018 | European Journal of Operational Research, Co-Editor-in-Chief |
2017 | Energy Systems, Editor-in-Chief |
2016 | Energy Systems, Co-Editor-in-Chief |